We Transform Managers, Leaders and Entrepreneurs into Architects of Lasting, Measurable Change.

Unleash Your Ability to Lead Change, Today. Discover Clarity & Direction Instantly with Your CORE Membership, Currently Gifted at No Cost:

“We either master the skills to surf atop the constant, powerful waves of change, or spend our careers drowning in the illusion of ‘Safe' but stagnant, rotten waters.

Jorge Loebl, Founder

You Wouldn't Put up with a Toothache for Years-On-End,

So Why Treat the Lingering Pains, Problems and Pitfalls Faced in Your Career or Business Any Differently?

The answer is simple: Unlike a toothache, accurately pinpointing the problem and crafting a lasting solution to interpersonal issues, ego-driven arguments and demoralizing team setbacks isn’t as binary as going to the dentist to get drilled, filled and billed… (Thank Goodness!)

Your Solution to Painless Professional Progress?

Taking easy-to-follow, bite-size steps with Revolving Change to understand and Develop The Critical Professional Skills that Build Upon Each Other to Prevent the Rot and Decay that Otherwise Destroys a Business Altogether.

Harness YOUR OWN Roaring River of
Clarity, Progress and Change

Your Experience with RevolvingChange will Create:

growth blue

Steady, Perpetual Growth

Seemingly Against all Odds

growth blue
opportunities blue

New, Unlocked Opportunities

Where Others See Dead Ends

problem solving blue

Fluid Problem Solving Skills

Regardless of the Challenges

problem solving blue
team dynamics blue

Frictionless Team Dynamics

Even in Dark, Turbulent Waters

Welcome to Revolving Change, Your Home and Source of Transformational Human Engineering™

We Are a Collective of Coaches and Mentors that specialize in Training and Up-skilling Your (or your team’s) Professional Skills to Create Lasting, Measurable Change.

Here You Will Transform What You Struggle With and Dislike About Your Professional Life into Exactly What Propels you or your team Forward.

It’s Your Call. Experiencing the same painful, energy-sucking patterns is exhausting. Don’t let that become your legacy. Commit to Creating Change, and Get Everything you need to begin here:

We All Have Different Roles to Play.

What Will Your Lasting Transformation look like?


If You Work in a Team:

You know that working with unclear goals, unhelpful feedback and non-cooperative teammates is incredibly draining.

Transform the way you approach issues and turn yourself into a solution-seeking star with our resources, coaching and mentoring.


If You Manage or Lead Teams:

Imagine the joy and fulfillment that comes with a responsive, motivated and positive team. Not quite there in your current reality? It all starts with YOU.

Win over your teams respect and loyalty by mastering how YOU interact and direct.


If You Direct Operations:

Ask yourself, what do managers, leaders and entrepreneurs all have in common?

A critical need to master the art of communication, leadership and delegation. Join us to learn how to champion company-wide success.

Our Services

Tools for Your

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Gift Resources

Group Coaching

1-on-1 Mentorship

Live Trainings



Gift Resources

Case Study

From Hero to

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“I’ve been a mentor for years and still learned a ton from Jorge”



Business Owner & Partner

“I was nervous learning about difficult personal interactions, but these courses are amazing!”




“I’ve seen and delivered courses together with Jorge that created amazing results”



Entrepreneur & Coach

DISCOVER Your Most Critical Needs for CHANGE



This Is Your Transformational Journey with Revolving Change.


The Hidden Problems and Potential.

Through our DISCOVER phase, you'll engage in a process of self-realization, pinpointing exactly where you or your team needs to grow.

Your first step is all about shedding light on the sometimes unnoticeable core issues squeezing your potential.

No vague insights, only crystal-clear direction on your path to professional progress.


A Blueprint For Your Success.

The DESIGN phase takes your newfound understanding of what needs to change and translates it into actionable, applicable steps.

This ensures your journey towards improvement is not just theoretical but practical and realistically applicable.
In this phase you will tailor your development plan to be as unique as your situations are. No cookie-cutters.


Your Lasting Transformation.

The DELIVER phase implements your DESIGNED path into tangible, measurable and consistent outcomes.

Through tools like our Live Application Training (LAT™) and Management Skills Laboratory (MSL™) , we guide you from potential to performance.

Transform head knowledge into real world experiences lasting, measurable change.

Sculpt Your Future With Tools Sharper
Than Michelangelo's Chisel

Explore Our suite of Precision-Crafted features that Transform
even the rockiest of careers into magnificent masterpieces.

But If you think tools are pointless and that you could paint the mona Lisa with a mop, then you don’t need us or anything you see here, you protégé.

  • Customized Growth Journey: “Embark on a journey uniquely yours, guided by our DISCOVER, DESIGN, DELIVER methodology, ensuring a personalized path to success.”
  • Tailored Coaching Sessions: “Receive one-on-one guidance from experts dedicated to addressing your individual needs, fostering personal and professional development.”
  • Interactive Live Experiences: “Participate in dynamic live sessions that simulate real challenges, promoting active learning and immediate application.”
  • Measurable Improvement Tools: “Track your transformation with our specialized pre- and post-engagement surveys, designed to measure, quantify and direct your growth.”
  • Management Skills Laboratory: “Dive into our MSL™ for hands-on practice in management and leadership scenarios, preparing you for real-world application.”
  • Action-Based Learning Assignments: “With LAT™ (Live Application Training), apply new skills directly to your work environment, reinforcing learning through measurable action.”

Expedite Your Growth:

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